
Within our branch of Gaulish Paganism, we delineate our annual cycle into two realms: a luminous phase and a shadowed one. This segmentation aligns with our cosmic tenets of Samos (embracing life, illumination, harmony, the celestial, civilization, summer, domesticity, and the commonplace) and Giamos (embodying death, obscurity, tumult, the chthonic, primal forces, winter, wilderness, and the mystical). These cosmic principles manifest ubiquitously throughout the cosmic framework, influencing everything that encompasses our existence.

Our festive celebrations center around both internal and external transformations. These occasions revolve around the embodiment of Samos and Giamos, personified as Samorix, the Summer King, and Giamorix, the Winter King, engaged in their mythical battle unfolding upon Litauia, our revered Earth Mother.

The interpretations of these holidays is to establish a neutral ground, acknowledging the diverse interpretations of Gaulish deities and the myriad practices individuals observe on these days. By highlighting our Gaulish cosmic principles and paying homage to our Earth Mother, our goal is to adopt a more universally inclusive approach. This way, we aim to sidestep inadvertent interpretations that may clash with one’s views of deities, offering a mystical perspective on Samos and Giamos that respects individual beliefs.

Within each rite, there is ample space for personal invocation and ceremonies, especially for those practicing in solitude.

Gaulish Druid
  • Condergā – “equal darkness” – Spring Equinox
    • The Rite Of Giamorix to Samorix
      This rite celebrates the balance of Giamos and Samos , and allows us to connect with the delicate balance between the fading grip of Giamorix and the emerging strength of Samorix during the Spring Equinox.
  • Cenodiios – “long day” – Summer Solstice
    • The Rite of Samorix
      This rite celebrates the radiant energy of Samorix during the transitional time of Cenodiios, allowing us to connect with the height of summer’s power, embracing the warmth and vitality of the season.
  • Conleuceton – “equal light” – Autumn Equinox
    • The Rite of Samorix to Giamorix
      This rite celebrates the balance of Samos and Giamos, allowing us to connect with the nuanced balance between the waning influence of Samorix and the rising power of Giamorix during the Fall Equinox.
  • Cenonox – “long night” – Winter Solstice
    • The Rite of Giamorix
      This rite celebrates energy of Giamorix, the Winter King, and allows us to connect with the depth of winter’s power during the Winter Solstice, embracing the stillness, reflection, and transformative potential of the season.

These holidays do not represent historical Gaulish beliefs, but rather, it embodies a contemporary Gaulish perspective for present-day Gaulish Pagans, not those of the past.

More Information on Giamorix and Samorix can be found in the writeups below.